Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Last Tuesday morning I got Maggie dressed, washed her face, put her "camp" shoes on, covered her in sunscreen  and gave her two lovely pig tails.  I packed her backpack and we walked to Maggie's first day of camp.  I was excited to see what this new adventure had in store for us.  Would she be nervous or excited?  Would she meet new friends?  Would she understand that I would be back in three hours to pick her up?  Now, I never worry that Maggie will cry after me or yearn for me to stay by her side.  And although sometimes it can be abrupt, she never looks back.  I didn't get a kiss, a hug or even a "see ya!".  She spotted the open door to her classroom and she was gone before I could say good-bye.  I said hello to her teacher very briefly and looked around at all the kids crying and holding on to their mom's leg.  I knew I didn't want to be in that situation but a hug good-bye would have been nice.  I decided it would be best to wave and tell her I would be back later.  She quickly looked up to acknowledge me and continued playing.  The walk home was lonely.  I couldn't believe how much I missed the incessant questions or how quiet it was without her singing at the top of her lungs.  When we got home, I put Henry down for his morning nap.  I must admit, this part felt pretty good.  3 hours to myself?  I had a cup (or 3) of coffee and called my mom.  It was perfect.  On my way to pick up Maggie, I couldn't contain my excitement.  I talked to Henry the whole way there.  I am sure everyone on the street thought I was crazy but in all honesty, I talk to Henry (and Maggie) all day long.  There is no feel-good-medicine like seeing your child's name on her very own "cubby" complete with paintings, crafts and newsletters.  When they called her name I was standing right in front.  She saw me and came running.  It was the best hug I have ever received.  She was so tired.  She told me she had fun and that she shared.  That was all.  3 hours of fun sharing.  When she woke up from her nap she told me stories of her new friends and the new songs she learned.  She couldn't wait to go back.  Since then we have had some interesting conversations.  Camp has had an effect on her imagination.  She now has a baby in her belly named Coco.  This may be due a recent visit by one of my very best friends Jackie Rogers who, in fact, is pregnant.  But Coco was named later and I have since concluded that someone named "Abby 2" has named her baby Coco.  I can only imagine what "Abby 2" has told her mom.  

Sunday, June 6, 2010

a lesson in vocabulary

As I begin this new chapter as author, I feel compelled to start with apologies. For not writing sooner, for not sending photos, and for changing the appearance...again. Rest assured, the previous entries are below and if anyone wants to see old photos of Maggie, I have included a link on the right to her old blog. As for not writing or sending photos sooner, I have made a promise to myself that if I don't start blogging I must make a scrapbook. Heavens knows that will never happen so I can say with some certainty that you will be getting more blog entries.

About a week ago, Maggie, Henry and I were running errands. When we got out of the car, a foul smell overwhelmed us.
Without thinking, I spouted out, "Oh dear, Maggie, that smells like diarrhea!"
As the words left my mouth I knew I had made a horrible mistake. Maggie is a typical 2 year old. She repeats every word you say. The less you want her to say a particular word, the more she repeats it. The unfortunate part about having a very articulate 2 year old is that those same words are clearly understood by 90% of adults. I thought, just don't say it again.  Pretend I never said it.
But then the questions came, "Diarrhea, what's that?" 
Don't answer, play dumb! But no.
"Diarrhea is a runny poop," I answered.
"Runny poop, what's that?"
Oh dear, this has gone from bad to worse. I tried to recover.
"It is just like poop but smells bad," I said.
"Ooh, diarrhea."
I was terrified. Where was this word going to surface? But then, 2 days past and no mention of the word. Thank goodness. A few days ago we were walking to the grocery store. They had just laid down some fertilizer near the sidewalk for the trees, bushes and spring flowers.
I mentioned in a low almost inaudible tone, "Wow, that smells."
And it did. I really didn't think much of it. Ahead of us was an older man walking very slow.
As we past him Maggie yells, "He does smell like diarrhea, mommy."
And there is was. Mortified but laughing I scooped up Maggie and ran as fast as I could into the store. I didn't discipline her. In fact, I never mentioned it again.
Here are some pictures over the last few weeks:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Making Changes

Dear Friends,

We are writing this letter to express our deepest apologies for our lack of interest in writing this blog.  We have come to the conclusion that something must change.  I don't mean to bore you with obvious conclusions, but I am two years old and my brother is 6 months old.  We are active, fun loving individuals who simply cannot find the time or focus to continue this blog.  We have made some executive decisions.  I will now perform the responsibilities of EDITOR and Henry has agreed to step into the PUBLISHER position.  That leaves us more time available to provide content.  However, we are currently without a writer.  Our mom has submitted an impressive resume stating she can both read and write.  We will be getting back to her soon.  Until then, this will be our last blog entry.
                                                         Maggie and Henry
Good evening ladies, gentlemen, Granny, Granda, Grandma and Pop.  The weather is absolutely brilliant in Ridgewood tonight.  The sky is clear, the air is crisp and the energy is bubbly. What was your favorite part of today, Henry?
Definitely story time at JW Tumbles.  What was yours?
Normally I would agree, but today I would have to say story time with mom while you were napping.
Anyway, life is GO GO GO when you are little.  No time to stop and smell the roses, we have plans!  Well, sometimes we stop to smell the roses, but then we try to pick them and mom gets mad at us for doing that so she discourages us from smelling them too closely.   
Did you tell them I have friends, Maggie?  Because I do.  Three lovely ladies from Bergen County, NJ.  I try not to let my ego get too big but I must say, they are all over me! Sometimes I fall on them too.
Yes, we are all very excited for you, Henry. 
Well, the pictures we have posted are random but we do have a treat.  We have attached some links to YouTube for you to view.  Enjoy.

Maggie the Fairy Dragon
More Dress Up
Swinging in the Park

 We have enjoyed keeping everyone updated on our lives.  We hope the changes we are making will provide everyone with a much more satisfying experience.  Love, Maggie and Henry 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Henry Speaks Up

So I guess it is true what they say.  The second child really doesn't get photographed as much.  And I would also like to point out that when I do get my picture taken, Maggie is in half of them.  Not that I don't love her, but a boy must have his own spotlight.  His day in the sun.  His five minutes of fame, if you will.  So that is precisely what I plan to do today.  First, I would like to highlight some milestones that have been overlooked since my mom wrote the blog over a month ago.  I am sitting up (with assistance) and enjoying the view.  I can roll over if I so desire but I see no need to roll around like a spaz.  I guess you can say I am content.  I am living my life on my terms and it feels good.  I decided it would be best for my parents if I started sleeping 12 hours at night, so I am.  But I needed a little something in return...FOOD!  I have been enjoying rice cereal and oatmeal for quite a while now.  The word around the house is my mom just pureed some butternut squash.  I cannot be 100% sure but my suspicion says dinner tonight will be glorious!  Life is good. 

This is me and my Granda in Dallas over Christmas.  We seem to enjoy the same activities.

This is my first experience with rice cereal.  I really did enjoy this meal. 

Here is a picture of us playing with cars.  In typical Maggie fashion, she hogged all of the cars.

This is me laughing at my dad.  He can be very funny sometimes.   

In this picture, we watched the Longhorns lose to Alabama. Stay strong team. 

Here I am playing with Maggie and my cousin Keira.  They are amazing train track builders. 

And finally, for those of you who insist on seeing Maggie.

Have a great week everyone.  Until next time... -Henry