Tuesday, November 17, 2009

We are thankful!

Good morning, everyone!  Good morning indeed!  So the past couple of weeks have been great.  Nothing too exciting has happened but nothing detrimental has happened either.  Henry is learing so much and we are having more fun together each day.  He still sleeps a lot but I guess that leaves more time for me and my mom. 
Don't tell Maggie but I get some fantastic mom AND dad time when she goes to bed. 
That couldn't possibly be true, Henry.  I will be discussing this with mom, shortly.  
This week, we have tried to remember to be thankful for all the fun we have each and every day.  Mom thinks we need to stop and enjoy all the little moments that make our life, well...AWESOME!  
I am thankful for my family.  Near and far.  
I am thankful for leaves, playgrounds, paint and music.  I also love everyone of my family members and friends.  

We have so much to be thankful for.  Here are a few of our favorites. 

I am thankful for Maggie.  She recently helped me through a particularly difficult episode of tummy time.
I am thankful for you too, Henry.  You have really turned my world upside down and I LOVE it!

I am thankful for our Sunday morning runs and the bagels we get afterward.

I am thankful for easy and relaxing days. 

I am thankful for my dad and our heart to heart conversations we have while we color.

I am thankful for laughter...

...and I just can't stop!

I am thankful for my mom.  She let's me explore the world.

I am thankful for my "teacher" at the YMCA who helped me make this hat. 

We are very thankful that each one of you loves us.  We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I hear there will be pie! 
And milk!
Until next time...
- Maggie and Henry

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone!  I hope your Halloween was as "successful" for you as it was for us.  Honestly, Henry is too young  to appreciate this holiday.  He slept through the pumpkin patch.  He couldn't hold his brush to paint a pumpkin.  He didn't mingle during the Halloween party and he slept, big surprise, through trick or treating.
Maggie, my life is good.  I am sorry you feel the need to race around the neighborhood to collect your food.  Mom just feeds me without me having to beg.
Oh, Henry, all you do is beg for food.
Regardless of how I acquired my candy, I ended up with plastic pumpkin full of my favorite treats.  I had the time of my life and I am already thinking about my costume for next year.  This year, I was a snow princess.  I  picked it out myself.
I was a banana.  I did not pick it out myself but I thought it was very nice.  It was warm and I think yellow suits me.
You were lovely, Henry.
Thank you. You were also very beautiful, Maggie.
Thank you.
Well, we are now completely focused on Thanksgiving.  We are starting a project today that involves my leaf collection.  I have a pretty expansive leaf collection and I am extremely excited to see what my mom has planned.  We better go, Henry.  Mom just brought out the paint!  Until next time...
-Maggie and Henry